Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Purchasing a SSD?

When it comes to bottleneck, most often the major cause of it is your hard drive. Many people are still relunctant or doesn't see the point of upgrading their mechanical hard disc to Solid State Drive (SSD). One of the concern is the performance degration over time. There's been a concept in most of our mind that SSD doesn't last long in the long run. However, SSD had improved over time and you would have an outdated SSD or might even purchased a new one when the existing one started to perform poorly.

The second on the list if of course, the price per GB. SSD might still be considered expensive. But why would you need a bigger size? With larger capacity, you will probably just hoard every files in it without doing any housekeeping. With this being said, lesser capacity makes you make use of it and deleting those files that you might not probably need. And if you do store a lot of archive, movies, pictures, musics, etc, you wouldn't store it in your SSD would you? You might as well store those in a slower, mechanical hard disc as you didn't frequently access those files and those certainly doesn't required fast seeking time. A cheap 1TB external hard disc would do the job. What you should store in your SSD is the OS and applications. The changes are significant.

Quoted from an article here:
In spite of the foregoing, dedicating an ordinary solid state drive to your Mac
system and applications is generally fine, so long as you’re not using it for a
scratch volume or other data intensive work. That’s because once written, system
and applications are mostly read, not written, and reading does not degrade
performance. This special report shows what you can expect, and you can choose
for yourself, eyes wide open.

In short, SSD had improved much due to :
- TRIM support by OS

And with SSD, you don't need to:
- Defrag your hard disk as the reading speed across all sectors are equally same

Below are a few links regarding SSD that is worth reading before you make a purchase. And when you did purchase one, you would be glad you do and probably wondering why didn't you do it at the first place:

How to take full advantage of your SSD
Why the limitations of SSDs are actually good
Enabling TRIM in Windows 7

More Reading
Mac Performance Guide: SPECIAL REPORT: Real World SSD Performance